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Weil’s 2023 SCOTUS Term in Review

Weil’s Appellate & Strategic Counseling group welcomes you to its 2023 edition of Weil’s SCOTUS Term in Review. Here, we summarize and analyze the cases from the 2023 Supreme Court term that are most germane to our clients’ businesses. 

This Term included a number of high profile and significant decisions in several areas of the law. Most notably, in the area of administrative law, the Court issued three decisions that may have major implications going forward. And in a closely watched case involving former President Trump, the Court for the first time afforded former Presidents at least partial immunity from criminal prosecution for official acts undertaken during office. In other areas of law, however, the Court was more restrained. Its decisions on arbitration, bankruptcy, and standing largely hewed to existing precedent, resolving relatively nuanced issues of disagreement among the lower courts and/or deferring difficult merits issues for later resolution. For example, the Court rejected challenges to government action involving abortion medication and speech on social media platforms by relying on principles of Article III standing. And the Court vacated and remanded another case involving State efforts to regulate speech on social media platforms without reaching the merits, instead directing the lower courts to reexamine the case under the proper legal rules.

Weil's SCOTUS Term in Review


View Weil's 2023 SCOTUS Term in Review

Read the 2023 edition of Weil’s SCOTUS Term in Review from our Appeals & Strategic Counseling group.


If you would like to discuss any of these cases or the issues presented, please do not hesitate to contact the authors, your regular contact at Weil, or the Co-Heads of Weil’s Appeals & Strategic Counseling group, Mark A. PerryGreg Silbert, and Zack Tripp.


For more information on our Appeals & Strategic Counseling practice, please contact:

Mark Perry


Washington, D.C.

Jonathan Polkes


Washington, D.C., New York

Zack Tripp


New York
