Black Lawyers Achieving Success Together

The Black Lawyers Achieving Success Together (BLAST) embodies the talents and strengths of Black attorneys across the Firm, focusing on mentorship and networking, recruitment and retention, pro bono initiatives, business development, and client outreach.

Our People

  • Of the Firm’s Black attorneys, there are 9 partners, 2 counsel, and 42 associates in the U.S. and London offices.
  • Management Committee Sponsors demonstrate the level of our leadership commitment. These appointed senior leaders serve as a sponsor to an affinity group for which they are not already a member. They are charged with understanding key issues the group members face and advocating for necessary change. David Lender, Co-Chair of the Firm’s Litigation Department, is the Management Committee Sponsor for BLAST.

Internal Development Conferences

2023 Radiating Brilliance

2022 Black Lawyers Achieving Success Together Mini-Conference

Mentoring & Networking

Key Initiatives

Advisory Boards

Business Development and Client Events

Recent Programming

Diversity Programming & Education

Black History Month

Community Engagement and Pipeline Efforts

Pro Bono

Pipeline Efforts


Key Contacts

Chantale Fiebig

Chantale Fiebig


Washington, D.C.

Barry Fishley

Barry Fishley



Adé K. Heyliger

Adé Heyliger

Partner and Chair of the Diversity Committee

Washington, D.C.

Trey Muldrow

Trey Muldrow


New York

Jannelle M. Seales

Jannelle Marie Seales


New York

Bambo Obaro

Bambo Obaro


Silicon Valley

Kristin Sanford

Kristin Sanford


Washington, D.C.

Sophie Smith

Sophie Smith



Images of Weil Partners Chantale Fiebig and Trey Mulrow

Chantale Fiebig and Trey Mulrow have joined the Firm’s Washington, D.C. and New York offices, respectively, Chantale as a partner in the Complex Commercial Litigation practice and Trey as a partner in the Private Equity practice.

Firm News and Announcements