January 29, 2025
In 2024, 151 partners across each of Weil’s 15 global offices received a combined 270 individual awards for exemplary achievements. Reflecting all four of our departments – Corporate, Litigation, Restructuring and Tax, Executive Compensation & Benefits – the awards hail from leading legal and business media – including The American Lawyer, Law360, National Law Journal, Financial News and top international trade publications – in categories such as “Lawyer of the Year,” “Dealmaker of the Year,” “Top Trial Lawyer,” “Outstanding Restructuring Lawyer” and “Leading Lawyer.”
The awards also attest to Weil partners’ excellence beyond their active practices, such as their roles in Firm leadership and commitment to Pro Bono, DEI, Social Responsibility and mentoring initiatives.
Notably, 53 women partners earned 99 accolades – including “Top Women of Law,” “Top Women in Litigation,” and “Women Leaders in Tech Law.”
Weil’s next generation of legal leaders was also recognized – 37 partners earned “Rising Star,” “40 Under 40,” “Emerging Leader” and similar distinctions.
View the profiles of these award-winning lawyers
- Dennis F. Adams III
- Craig W. Adas
- Aimee Adler
- Michael J. Aiello
- Kathleen Aka
- Joshua S. Amsel
- Karen N. Ballack
- Matt Barr
- Luna Ngan Barrington
- John P. Barry
- Noah Beck
- Ronit J. Berkovich
- Devon Bodoh
- Patrick Brendon
- Yehudah L. Buchweitz
- Timothy F. Burns
- Nellie P. Camerik
- Anne M. Cappella
- Justina Chen
- Charles Ching
- Corey Chivers
- Andrew I. Chizzik
- Evert J. Christensen
- David J. Cohen
- Andrew J. Colao
- Marco Compagnoni
- Annemargaret Connolly
- Shawn B. Cooley
- Sarah Coyne
- Mariel E. Cruz
- Jean-Dominique Daudier de Cassini
- Mei Dan
- Lois Deasey
- Kaitlin Descovich
- Kelly DiBlasi
- Howard B. Dicker
- Jenny Doak
- Sarah Downie
- Alfonso J. Dulcey
- Alex Eagle
- Matthias Eiden
- Jessica Lynn Falk
- Greg Featherman
- Amanda Fenster
- Chantale Fiebig
- Michael Francies
- Jared R. Friedmann
- Tobias Geerling
- Raymond O. Gietz
- Matthew J. Gilroy
- Stuart J. Goldring
- Helyn S. Goldstein
- Lyuba Goltser
- Matthew Goren
- Megan A. Granger
- Britta Grauke
- Olivia J. Greer
- Adam C. Hemlock
- Emmanuelle Henry
- Thomas Henry
- Adé Heyliger
- Michael B. Hickey
- P.J. Himelfarb
- Mark Hoenig
- Gary T. Holtzer
- Jenine Hulsmann
- Hillel N. Jacobson
- Barbara Jagersberger
- Aron Joy
- Jacky Kelly
- Sachin Kohli
- Kyle C. Krpata
- Brianne Kucerik
- Todd Larson
- Justin D. Lee
- David J. Lender
- Benton Lewis
- Brian Liegel
- Jessica Liou
- Michael E. Lubowitz
- Hayley Lund
- Alex Lynch
- Christopher R. Machera
- Jonathan J. Macke
- Graham Magill
- Jamie Maples
- Courtney S. Marcus
- Christopher Marks
- Benjamin E. Marks
- Jenna McBain
- Michael Moiseyev
- Gabriel A. Morgan
- Matthew D. Morton
- Trey Muldrow
- Ramona Y. Nee
- John A. Neuwirth
- Robert Niles-Weed
- Bambo Obaro
- John O'Loughlin
- Henry Ong
- Jacqueline Oveissi
- Paul J. Overmyer
- Joseph M. Pari
- Brian Parness
- Pravin R. Patel
- Jeffrey H. Perry
- Mark A. Perry
- Yannick Piette
- Pejman Razavilar
- Tom Richards
- Philip Rosen
- Amanda Rotkel
- Amy M. Rubin
- Tana M. Ryan
- Jeffrey D. Saferstein
- Charan J. Sandhu
- Kristin Sanford
- Arianna Scavetti
- Gerhard Schmidt
- Max Scott
- John E. Scribner
- Jannelle Marie Seales
- Greg Silbert
- David R. Singh
- Sunny Singh
- Rebecca Sivitz
- Agathe Soilleux
- Jonathon G. Soler
- Stephanie Epstein Srulowitz
- Daniel L. Stein
- Robert Stern
- Diane P. Sullivan
- Christian Tappeiner
- Lauren Tauro
- Theodore E. Tsekerides
- Zack Tripp
- Drew Tulumello
- Stefania D. Venezia
- Derek C. Walter
- Douglas P. Warner
- Martin Weatherston-Wilson
- Timothy C. Welch
- Paul J. Wessel
- Gavin Westerman
- Jeff L. White
- Emily E. Willey
- Barry M. Wolf
- Jonathan Wood
- David L. Yohai
- Caroline Zalka