September 12, 2024
Weil advised PSG and its portfolio company mPulse in its acquisition of Zipari, a leader in healthcare consumer experience technology. This acquisition continues mPulse’s growth and investment in Health Experience and Insights (HXI) technology to create more consumer-centric experiences and deliver more equitable health outcomes.
The Weil team was led by Private Equity partner David Gail and included Private Equity associates Patrick Hosch and Emma Conde; Executive Compensation & Benefits partner Jennifer Britz and associate Sanjana Rao; Technology & IP Transactions partner Dennis Adams and associates Amanda DeMasi and Alexis Bello; U.S. Privacy & Cybersecurity Head Olivia Greer; Employment partner Rebecca Sivitz and associates Kate Belsito and Michael Verdichizzi; Tax partner Jonathan Macke and associate Griffin Baker; and Banking & Finance partner Benton Lewis and associate Julia Pjevach.