SEC Investment Adviser Examinations

Since Dodd-Frank, Weil has collaborated with investment adviser clients to prepare for all phases of SEC examinations. Today, Weil’s SEC Examinations Group employs a cross-disciplinary team that includes a former senior 10-year veteran of SEC’s Division of Examinations who trained SEC exam staff and worked on hundreds of adviser examinations each year, veteran private fund adviser regulatory experts who have worked with private fund clients on a myriad of SEC exams, privacy law experts, SEC litigators, ERISA specialists and tax experts to provide proactive, 360-degree counsel for investment advisers that are preparing for, undergoing, or responding to SEC examinations.

Weil’s experience in SEC Investment Adviser Examinations is deep, and cross-disciplinary, the result of focused concentration by attorneys working together across the Firm’s offices and practices. We are helping all types of investment advisers, including private equity, infrastructure, credit, real estate, growth, secondaries and hedge fund managers and retail advisers, prepare for SEC examinations, navigate the examination process and respond to SEC deficiency letters and enforcement investigations.

Pre-exam phase

  • Mock examinations
  • LPA compliance testing
  • Annual reviews
  • Marketing Rule reviews
  • Form ADV
  • Form PF filings, including “current-report” filings for certain events, such as GP-led secondary transactions
  • Structuring and registration with the SEC
  • MNPI / Code of Ethics issues
  • Principal and cross trades
  • LPAC process
  • Fee and expense testing
  • Strategic advice

Exam phase

  • Preparation of document production
  • Issue spotting for hot topics
  • Interview preparation
  • Response to SEC questions
  • Correspondence with SEC staff
  • Strategic advice
  • Replies to deficiency letters

Post-exam phase

  • Implementation of remediation efforts
  • Response to SEC Enforcement, DOL or IRS investigations

Key Contacts

Christopher Mulligan

Chris Mulligan


Washington, D.C.

David E. Wohl

David E. Wohl


New York

Christopher Scully

Chris Scully


Washington, D.C.

Robert Stern

Robert Stern


Washington, D.C., New York

Olivia J. Greer

Olivia J. Greer


New York

Jonathon G. Soler

Jonathon G. Soler


New York

See list of lawyers globally