February 14, 2025
Weil is advising PSG, a leading growth private equity firm, in its $150 million investment in Uscreen, a video monetization platform for the creator economy.
PSG’s investment will help reinforce and strengthen Uscreen’s leading position in shaping the future of the creator economy by bringing together content, community, and experiences in ways that delight consumers.
The Weil team is led by Private Equity partner David Gail and includes Private Equity associates Patrick Hosch, Emma Conde and Parker Lawter; Executive Compensation & Benefits partner Jennifer Britz and associate Amanda Nowak; Technology & IP Transactions partner Max Scott and associate Hilary Wilders; U.S. Privacy & Cybersecurity Head Olivia Greer and associate Dominic Farchione; Banking & Finance partner Benton Lewis and associates Tess Savage & Ian Murdoch; Regulatory Transactions counsel Ariel Fliman; Antitrust counsel Dan Nobil; Employment partner Rebecca Sivitz and associate Matt Gang; and Tax partner Jonathan Macke and associate Sarah Smith.